What are Chia Seeds and their health benefits?

Have you ever heard about ‘Chia Seeds’, what is it, what are its benefits and what is it called in Hindi, if you do not know, then here you will be talking about Chia Seeds. Let’s know What is Chia Seeds, How to eat Chia Beej & chia seeds benefits

Chia seeds have been available in Indian markets now, very few people know about these seeds in our country, so information about it is being given here, which is as follows…

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are also called Mexican Chia or Salba Chia and are grown to be used as a food item. Chia seeds are the seeds of a flowering plant called ‘Salvia Hispanic‘ and are a species of flowering plant in the peppermint family Lamiaceae that is found in Mexico, not a plant of Indian origin.

Chia seed is a good source of omega 3 and contains many minerals, fiber, protein, and minerals, so it helps stabilize blood sugar, and it increases energy and endurance in the body.

Chia seeds benefits

No, both are different!

Difference between Chia and Sabja Seeds

  • Chia seeds are not only black, they are gray, white and sometimes even brown, whereas, the seeds of sabja are only black.

  • On soaking the chia seeds, it takes a long time to absorb water and thrive whereas sabja seeds swell in a very short time.

  • Chia seed has no taste of its own, so it is compatible with any dish whereas, sabja seed has a mild taste similar to basil.

  • Chia seeds can be used raw or soaked in both ways whereas, Sabja seed can be consumed only after soaking.

How to eat Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are very small in size but are very nutritious, it contains only 30 grams of fiber, 10 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein and 138 calories.

Chia seeds are tasteless, but these are used in many foods and dishes to increase protein, antioxidants, and fiber in the body if you want to include these seeds in your diet. You can try any of the different ways of eating Chia Seeds mentioned below.

The easiest way to include chia seeds in your diet is to include them in plain water, lemonade, or fruit juice. Soak 40 grams of chia seeds in water for 30 minutes, then mix them in about one liter of lemonade or fruit juice and consume it.

It can also be consumed by making chia seed pudding, to make the halwa thick, use more seeds and let the mixture soak for longer. You can make it by mixing sugar, chia seeds, and vanilla or cocoa with milk.

Chia seeds can be used to thicken any type of stew or gravy, by soaking the chia seeds in some water and after some time add them to the stew or gravy to make them thick.

Chia seeds can also be added to food dishes such as ice cream Faluda, for this, soaked chia seeds soaked in water and mixed directly with ice cream Faluda can be used.

Chia seeds can also be used in many other foods such as baking cookies and bread, making chia protein bars, mixing in oatmeal and yogurt, and can also be added to tea.

Chia Seeds Benefits

As you have come to know here, chia seeds are one of the healthiest foods, and are rich in nutrients, so our body and brain can get significant benefits from its consumption. Some of the important health benefits or benefits of chia seeds are as follows 

  • Chia seeds provide huge amounts of nutrients with very few calories.
  • Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, these antioxidants protect sensitive fats from spoilage.
  • Almost all the carbs or carbohydrates present in these seeds are fiber, so they are one of the best sources of fiber in the world.
  • Chia seeds are rich in high quality protein in good quantity, which is the most effective macronutrient for weight loss.
  • Due to the good amount of protein present in chia seeds, the consumption of these seeds can significantly reduce hunger and craving to overeat.
  • The high fiber and protein content present in chia seeds can help in losing weight.
  • Chia seeds can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in the body.
  • Chia seeds are rich in many nutrients that are important for the good condition of bones.
  • Chia seeds can reduce blood sugar levels ie sugar levels.
  • It is very easy to include chia seeds in your diet.
  • Chia seed use is beneficial for increasing the amount of nutrition in your food.
  • Chia seeds can be eaten raw, soaked in water, and mixed with oatmeal, pudding, smoothies, etc.
  • Chia seeds can also be included in any cooked dish.

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