Essay on Women’s Empowerment in India in English

The word Women Empowerment is heard many times in India, it means related to women as shown by its name, know in detail here What is the meaning of Women Empowerment, Essay on Women’s Empowerment in India in English and Essay on Women Empowerment in India 

Women empowerment is one of the popular movements in India, and many Indian women have become successful, who is a true inspiration to all for their good deeds.

Many Indian women are known around the world for their success, they are honored, and there are also many such historical figures who will be remembered forever for their achievements in life.

There are many women who are the true examples of women’s empowerment and they have achieved a lot in their life, like Indira Gandhi, Mary Kom, Kalpana Chawla, Indra Nooyi, etc.

What is women empowerment or Women’s Empowerment?

The meaning of Women Empowerment is “to empower or make efforts to make women empowered”.

Women empowerment is defined to promote women’s sense of self-worth, women’s ability to make their own choices, and the right to influence.

Women Empowerment is the process of empowerment of girls or ladies, which involves accepting women’s points of view, raising the status of women in society through education, awareness programs, literacy, and training programs. When women and girls are given the right resources, education, and training, they can achieve anything in their life without depending on a man.

It is an important aspect of achieving gender equality in any country, through which equal power or opportunities are provided to both men and women so that men, as well as women, can promote the development of themselves and the country and be able to.

Essay on Women Empowerment in India (Essay on Women’s Empowerment in India in English)

Women’s Empowerment in India is to empower women to enable them to make decisions for themselves. With the passage of time women have realized their power which started the revolution for women empowerment in India.

In earlier times in India women were not allowed to make decisions on their own, because society was not allowed them to take a step for their life but gradually women were made aware of their rights through Women’s Empowerment programs and were inspired to make their own place in the society instead of being dependent on any man, due to which women empowerment has got a boost in India.

Need for women’s empowerment in India

There has been a use history of mistreatment of women or girls everywhere around the world. Still, women are progressing in their life in western countries, and most Indian women or girls still need to empower so they can achieve their own life goals.

There are always women’s safety concerns in India because our country is one of those countries there are many reasons for unsafety like women in India are at any kind of risks like rape, misbehavior, honor killing, etc.

Moreover, the landscape of education and freedom in India is not more progressive. Women aren’t allowed to pursue their higher education, as they are married off in early age. Still in India, men dominate women in many fields as it is the duty of a woman to work endlessly for her. They don’t let them out and don’t have any kind of freedom.

There is domestic violence is a problem in our Indian society. Men who drinks they beat or abuse their wives and misbehave with them, only because of the women are afraid to speak up loud to stand their views. And, women who works are paid very less than male. Just because of their gender, paying less for the same work or skill is unfair.

Thus, women’s empowerment has become the need of today in India. We all need to empower women to have their say or present their thoughts so that no single lady ever be a victim of injustice.

How to empower women in India?

There are many ways to empower women, to do this both individuals and the government must work together on it. Education should be made compulsory by all the people for the girls of their house so that women can live their life by being illiterate.

Women should be provided equal opportunities in every field of work, as well as equal pay as men to women, women can be also empowered by ending the early age marriage of girls.

Various programs should be organized for women empowerment by the government where women can be taught skills to face themselves in life problems.

Women should leave the shame of divorce & abuse in their life, and move on. In India, many women stay a lifetime in an abusive relationship just because of society’s fear. They should move on by breaking an abusive relationship.

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