What do foreign tourists think about Indian culture?

Broadly, India is a combination of different cultures, terrains, and populations. And, it makes you feel an entire continent rolled into a single place. A curious person who is a Citizen of India wants to know that what foreigners think about Indian culture OR foreign tourists about India.

foreign tourists about India

Let’s try to find out all thoughts of foreigners about Indian tradition and culture…

Thought of Foreign tourists about India

You must have noticed foreigners at famous destinations of India, the number of foreign tourists rising every year. 

If you are interested to know about that What the outsider of India think about our country, India is good or bad!

We found some of the wonderful thoughts of foreigners from Quora. Here, these thoughts describe what they think of India after their visit to India.

» Indians just can’t allow you to have your meal alone.
» Indians love to help without payment and thanks.
» There’s no match to India’s generosity.
» You just can’t have enough of India in one visit, You have to keep coming back.
» India offers everything to its travelers.
» Everybody loves a Dosa breakfast, Indian food is a completely different ballgame.
» Language is no barrier in India, You know English or not.
» India, in all its sense, is addictive.
» India is loaded with many colors and foreigners.
» The visits to India for the first time weirdly interesting.
» As you land in India you will begin to new experiences.
» As you tour the country, you will be amazed by its various monuments.
» After visiting India people with substance and real travelers can’t get enough and dream about returning. 
» Indians, once you become their friends, they are your true friends.
» I’ve never felt so alive before as I did while visiting India.

Read More Something Interesting: 

  1. Interesting Facts About India
  2. Things that only exist in India

Yes, Because of many attractions, natural wonders, tranquil places, history, architecture, spirituality, etc make visitors visit India.

Indian heritage, ecotourism, adventure, cultural, medical, and business tourism, etc attract tourists to come to India.

India is the largest democracy in the world with the most ancient civilization and the 7th largest country, it makes India so special.

  • Bangalore
  • Goa
  • Mumbai
  • Pondicherry
  • The Himalayas 

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