What is depression and its types & solution?

Depression & Anxiety is a serious illness that negatively affects the person suffering from it, causing a variety of physical and emotional problems which also affects the working capacity of the person.

If anyone has had a stroke of depression once, then the chances of its recurrence increase. According to statistics, one in ten people in the United States suffers from depression.

Let’s know more about depression, its types, causes or symptoms, treatments, or solutions in detail…

What is depression and anxiety?

How to deal with depression

Depression is the group of conditions associated with lowering or the elevation of a person’s mood, such as bipolar disorder or anxiety.

It is a constant feeling of loss of interest and sadness, which stops doing normal daily life activities. This disease results from a mix of many bad events that don’t result from only a single event.

Anxiety is the feeling of fear and worries, about the future. This type of feeling generates illness of depression and mental disorders.

Its types

There are different types of depression, with many symptoms ranging from minor to severe. Some of which are as follows…

  1. Mild Depression

The most common form of depression is known as major depressive disorder. It is a condition when a person experiences chronic, low-grade depression.

During this, the person feels very sad or hopeless. A person with mild depression experiences fatigue on waking up in the morning.

2. Seasonal Depression

In it exacerbates the symptoms of the disease in a particular season, and it is also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It begins when there is less natural sunlight, usually in the spring.

3. Secondary Depression

People who suffer from hypothyroidism, stroke, Parkinson’s, AIDS go into mental depression, they are in secondary depression.

This is also known as psychological depression in which later there is a possibility of psychological problems such as schizophrenia, phobia disorder, or bulimia.

4. Separation Condition

If a person suffering from this type of grief does not forget the shock for weeks or months, then they can get depressed. The patient goes into the separation condition slowly.

Its reasons or causes

This kind of illness can affect any person at any age, it’s a brain disorder. There can be many reasons for this such as…

There are many types of chemicals that work in the brain, changes in some of these chemicals or changes in hormone levels can lead to symptoms of depression.

If the depressive disorder is genetically inherited, or if a family member suffers from it, then there is the most chance of being affected by this disease.

When any person has some problems such as continuous traumatic events, violence, neglect, poverty, abuse, etc. then all these can become the cause of this illness.

If there is any kind of physical deficiency and if such a person has low self-esteem, then kind of this illness can immediately surround them.

Apart from this, changes or deficiencies in neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine, can also cause a person to become depressed.

Symptoms of Depression

People with depression may feel especially depressed, anxious, helpless, or worthless, they may even attempt suicide or commit suicide. Its symptoms also include deficiency or excess, fatigue, lack of eye contact and facial expression, pain, and digestive problems.

Changes in behavior such as feeling irritable, feeling restless, lack of interest in social activities, making excuses to avoid social contact, outbursts of anger, excessive crying and guilt, etc.

People suffering from depression keep on talking more about despair, they feel empty, have trouble concentrating, mental delusions, thoughts like dissatisfaction start coming into their mind, they also get surrounded by emotional distress.

Emotionally, the thought of insistence on taking decisions starts coming into the mind, considering yourself guilty for anything, many such negative thoughts start coming into the mind.

A depressed person always complains of headaches, and in some people, the excess of food increases or some starts eating more, in some people digestive problems start coming.

Sudden weight gain or loss of weight, feeling more tired even with less physical effort, insomnia or hypersomnia, all these physical symptoms start appearing in a person suffering from this disease.

Treatment or Solution of Depression

Everyone’s own mental strength is very important in reducing stress or its symptoms. Its symptoms can be prevented by making lifestyle changes, regular exercise creates positive emotions and thinking, getting enough sleep, staying away from any kind of intoxication.

Also, this problem can be reduced by eating healthy food and living a healthy lifestyle. Prevention is possible from this disease, as soon as you feel any problem, first of all, you should show yourself to a psychiatrist once.

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Psychotherapists adopt two types of therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) depending on the symptoms of the patient with depression.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps people change negative thinking and behavior styles and interpersonal therapy is for people who feel depressed through troubled personal relationships, it helps to understand people. 

The family members should support the person who suffering from this kind of sorrow-pain regarding the changes in his behavior.

Hopefully you get some knowledge about depression disease and its treatment.

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