Who are the famous Indian Scientists and their inventions?

A person who explains or makes predictions about the natural world and makes some inventions by his discovery is known as a Scientist. Here you will get information about Indian scientists and their inventions like their names and other…

List of Indian Scientist’s Names and Their Amendments

Name of ScientistFieldAmendment
Chandrasekhar Venkata RamanPhysicistDiscovery of the ‘Raman Effect’, the secret of the light beam of physics
M VisvesvarayaArchitectAutomatic watergate and block irrigation system
S. ChandrashekharAstronomerStudying the evolution of stars in space, producing theoretical models involving stars and black holes
Homi Jahangir BhabhaAtomic Energy ResearcherFather of the Indian Green Revolution
Srinivasa RamanujanMathematicianRevised Ramanujan Prime and Ramanujan Theta
Jagdish Chandra BoseBotanists, Physicists, Biologists, ArchaeologistsStudying and working on plant sensation, the first person to work on radio and microwave waves, laid the foundation for wireless communication
Hargobind KhuranaBiochemistSignificant study and work done on genetic code formation
Vikram SarabhaiPhysicist, AstronomerMajor work in the campaign related to the Indian Space Revision and the father of the creation of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Dr. APJ Abdul KalamMissile and Satellite Specialist, Nuclear Weapons SpecialistA significant contribution to the manufacturing process of nuclear weapons, Chief Inspector of Indian Nuclear Testing, Senior Modifier of Indian Satellite Launch Program
Dr. M. S. SwaminathanSpecialist in Genetics and BotanyInformation Technology, Computer, and Education Expert
AryabhataAstronomer, MathematicianStudied space and the father of the invention of zero
Dr. Vijay BhatkarInformation Technology, Computer and Education ExpertDid important work for the improvement and renewal of the Indian computer system, the father of supercomputer manufacturing in India. The creator and chief inspector of India’s first supercomputer Param
PC MahalanobisStatisticianThe discoverer of the theory of statistics ‘Mahalanobis difference’, the father of modern Indian statistics, the first chairman of the Planning Commission of India, the work on anthropometry, and the founder of the Indian Statistical Institute
Satyendra Nath BosePhysicist, MathematicianStudied and worked on quantum mechanics, modeled the Bose-Einstein condensate
Jayant NarlikarAstronomerWorked on the post of the creator of the analogous gravity theory and the head of the mathematics and science department of the NCERT education curriculum
Dayaram SawhneyArchaeological Relics ModifierChief Modifier and Inspector of Ancient Harappan Culture Excavations in the Indus Valley

🔗 National Awards of India List

Indian Scientist Names and Their Inventions

Many Scientists in India have achieved many inventions, these Indian scientists and their inventions details mentioned below as

1. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was an Indian American astrophysicist, and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1983.

According to Chandrasekhar’s research, stars start losing their weight after reaching about 8 solar masses.

After reaching a certain limit, the process of falling load stops. The same limit was discovered by Chandrasekhar through his research.

He named that research ‘Chandrasekhar Limit’. He was awarded the world’s prestigious Nobel Prize for ‘Chandrasekhar Limit’.

2. Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician, and he did lots of experiments in the mathematics field which are still useable today.

Ramanujan initially developed his mathematical research in isolation; This was recognized by early Indian mathematicians.

When his skills became evident and became known to the wider mathematical community, then centered in Europe, he met the English mathematician G. Started a partnership with H. Hardy.

Ramanujan Prime and Ramanujan Theta are very famous theorems of his.

He has also published his work in his international publication ‘Ramanujan Journal’ so that his mathematical experiments can be known to the whole world and they can be used all over the world.

This international publication of his became famous all over the world, and many people were also impressed by his incomparable contribution to the field of mathematics.

3. Meghnad Saha

Meghnad Saha astrophysicist, is best known for developing the Saha ionization equation, used to describe the chemical and physical conditions in stars.

4. Vikram Sarabhai

Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was an Indian scientist and explorer widely regarded as the father of India’s space program.

In 1962, Sarabhai received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Medal. The nation honored him with the Padma Bhushan in 1966 and the Padma Vibhushan (posthumously) in 1972.

5. Amartya Sen

Amartya K. Sen is an Indian economist who has taught and worked in the UK and the USA since 1972.

Sen has contributed to welfare economics, social choice theory, economic and social justice, economic theories of famine, and sequences of the welfare of citizens of developing countries.

6. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Aul Pakir Jainulabideen Abdul Kalam better known as APJ, and was the 11th President of India from the year 2002 to the year 2007.

Mr. Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, and studied physics and aerospace engineering. 

He spent 40 years of his life as a scientist and science administrator, primarily at the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), and delved deep into India’s civilian space program and military missile development efforts, and finally, his career scientist turned in as politician. 

Mr. Kalam also to be well known as the Missile Man of India for the development work of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology.

7. C. V. Raman

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was an Indian physicist born in the former Madras province of India now called Tamil Nadu. India awarded him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 and the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award, in 1954.

Indian Scientists in NASA Names

Many Indian scientists currently work in NASA, a space research organization based in America, their names are as follows

  1. Dr. Kamlesh Lulla
  2. Sunita Williams
  3. Sharmila Bhattacharya
  4. Ashwin Vasvada
  5. Dr. Madhulika Guhatakurta
  6. Dr. Meyya Meyappan
  7. Dr. Anita Sengupta
  8. Dr. Suresh Kulkarni 

Indian Scientists Nobel Prize Winners

Here we are going to briefly introduce you to some selected scientists of India, who have received the prestigious Nobel Prize for their priceless work and contribution to their science, their names are as follows

  1. C.V Raman
  2. Hargobind Khorana
  3. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
  4. Chandrasekhar Subramaniam

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