20+ Interesting Intelligent Facts To Know

With over several billion people plus plants, animals & creatures, the Internet, science and technology, the whole world is filled with many interesting, funny and fascinating facts. Here are some such intelligent facts shared which are capable of making you smart, Let’s know some Intelligent Facts here…

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The facts related to every subject are always shocking and enlightening, that learn something new and give information about new things, some amazing or interesting intelligent fact or facts have been shared here which is quite unknow to everyone.

Intelligent Facts of World

Intelligent Facts

These intelligent facts are as below given…

  • Do you know? There are almost 24 pluse time zones whole around the world.
  • The first iPhone was launched by Cisco company not by Apple Inc.
  • The world’s most quietest room is located at Microsoft company’s headquarters in Washington state of USA.
  • Ever recorded the fastest wind speed is 253 miles/hour on Earth.
  • About 4 quadrillion bacteria are present on the whole earth.
  • Ever recorded -144 degrees Fahrenheit the coldest temperature in Antarctica.
  • Africa and Asia continents are place to 90% rural population of the world.
  • In the 2018 Winter Olympics, the record-breaking 92 nations were participated.
  • The 1933 Double Eagle 20USD coin made of gold, was the most expensive coin sold in the world (over $7 million).
  • A record-breaking 92 nations participated in the 2018 Winter Olympics.
  • More than 50% population of the world is under the age of 30.
  • People of 60 years and above age older make up 12.3% of the world’s population.
  • Almost 43 countries are in the world where are still the royal families live.
  • 2010 & 2014 FIFA World Cup games are watched by almost half of the world’s population.
  • The nation Canada has about 9% forest areas of the world.
  • There is a website exist on internet that tracks the population of world in real time. [Worldometers.info]
  • The adult literacy rate is ~ 86% in the world.
  • Almost 41 countries in whole world that have recognized the Sign Language as an official language.
  • The social media platform facebook has numbers of active users more than the combined population of the US, Brazil, and China.
  • There are only two countries in whole world whose name starts with word “The”.
  • Total ants alive weight the same as all humans on earth.
  • There are about 2 lakh types of viruses present in the whole world oceans.
  • Japan’s Tokyo city is the largest place in the world with 37 million pluse residents.
  • About 4 babies are born and about 2 people die every second in the world.

Hopefully you get some intreseting knowledge by reading these some amazing Intelligent Facts of the world.

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