Why is English preferred in India?

Status of English in India has been changed today!

Today position of language in the Indian education system has changed, English became the first language, the second is Hindi and the third is the local regional language.

Status of English in India

Studying English provides you with opportunities to develop skills for better career growth and will assist throughout the whole life.

In today’s India, it has become mandatory to learn English because this language used in many fields more than Hindi or any other language.   The English Language preferred over the most commonly spoken language Hindi in India.

That’s why the English Language preferred over the most commonly spoken language Hindi in India and there are many other reasons why we do like English.

Every Indian student remembers that learning English will prepare them for the future.

And another interesting thing is that English is the third most speaking language in all over the world and how to learn the English keyword mostly searched by Indians.

In India, a new word formed Hinglish, a combination of both language English and Hindi because people mix Hindi words in English while they are learning.

Like other countries, English is also the business language of India and use in the corporate sector, so most companies employ people who are confident and speak fluent English apart from the basic skills required for the job. 

If one desire to get a well-paying job, it is very important to have good command in English otherwise even if you have got a perfect education and experience that makes one eligible for a job.

Nobody, it cannot ignore the importance of the English language in life.

Things That Only Exist In India

The fact is that good knowledge of English is the key to success and good status, so English in India preferred.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

Mahatma Gandhi 

British English used as speaking.

Around 10% of India’s population speak English.

India’s first language is Hindi.

Just Because, English is the Business Languages of the World, so higher education and the Indian government also continue to use English as their primary language.

General Indian English is meat a certain variety of English spoken by educated Indians. General Indian English is free from regional features.

Indian accent is the most difficult one in the world to understand.

British accent has been rated as the most attractive English accent in the world.

Indian English is as good as any, says UK study.

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