Top 15 Weird Facts That Are True You Didn’t Know

Weird facts are unusual or surprising pieces of information that are often unexpected or uncommon. They are facts that deviate from what is considered normal or typical, making them intriguing and sometimes hard to believe. Let’s know here about some weird facts that are true.

Weird facts can span various subjects, including science, history, animals, and everyday life. They tend to capture people’s attention because they challenge our preconceived notions and expand our knowledge in unexpected ways.

Weird Facts That Are True

Here are some weird facts that are true or weird but true facts

1. The average person has been around the world three times over the course of his or her life.

2. Flomboise is the term used to describe a group of flamingos

3. Honey can’t go bad. Archaeologists have found honey pots in ancient Egyptian graves that are more than 3000 years old and are still perfectly edible.

4. Britain and Zanzibar fought in 1896, the shortest war in history, which lasted only 38 minutes.

5. There is a species of jellyfish that can revert back to its polyp stage and start its life cycle all over again.

6. The world’s oldest known recipe is a beer recipe from ancient Sumeria, dated around 1800 BCE.

7. A bunch of crows is referred to as murder.

8. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.

9. A small light bulb can be powered by the human brain’s ability to generate enough electricity to power it with enough energy.

10. Astronauts’ height can increase by up to 2 inches when they spend an extended period of time in space, due to the absence of gravity compressing their spines.

11. The biggest pyramid in the world is not in Egypt; it’s in Cholula, Mexico. It is known under the name of the Great Pyramid of Cholula and is the largest in volume.

12. There is a species of fungi called “Zombie Ant Fungus” that infects ants and takes over their bodies, controlling their movements until the ant dies and the fungus can reproduce.

13. The shortest regular flight in the world is from Westray to Papa Westray in Scotland’s Orkneys. It only takes about 1 minute and 14 seconds.

114. The Eiffel Tower in Paris grows in height by up to 6 inches during the summer due to thermal expansion.

15. The world’s largest recorded snowflake was 15 inches in diameter and fell in Fort Keogh, Montana in 1887.

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These are just a few examples of the many strange and fascinating facts that exist in the world.


The weird true facts are intriguing pieces of information that are both strange and real. They often defy our expectations and challenge our understanding of the world.

These facts can span a wide range of subjects and capture our curiosity with their unexpected nature. Whether it’s unusual historical events, or fascinating scientific discoveries, weird true facts offer a glimpse into the intriguing and sometimes bizarre aspects of our world.

Exploring these facts can be both entertaining and educational, expanding our knowledge and appreciation for the wonders and oddities that exist around us.

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